
發(fā)布日期:2019-05-06   來(lái)源:Paper China

Technical Features and Application of the Twin Roll Wash Press


Wenrui Machinery (Shandong) Co.,Ltd.


Efficient pulp washing equipment plays a vital role in the energy conservation and emission reduction of the pulping process. The twin roll wash press with high outlet consistency was lately developed by Wenrui Machinery (Shandong) Co., Ltd. Being able to realize capacity expansion and efficient operation, it has achieved widespread application.

1、工作原理及特點(diǎn) Operation principles and features


Twin roll wash press manufactured by Wenrui has two series of SJA and SJB. The former refers to pulp feeding from both sides with replacement washing function, applied to black liquor extraction in pulping line; the later refers to pulp feeding from bottom without replacement function, applied to pulp concentration.


SJA twin roll wash press is combined with dewatering, displacement and pressing functions. Pulp feeds to distributor from both sides, then uniformly distributed on roll surface in axial direction, and the three stages of washing shall be completed. Firstly, pulp dewaters due to feeding pressure and level differential, and forms continuously uniform sheet on roll surface; secondly, as rolls are rotating, pulp is thickened to consistency of 10%-14%, followed by displacement with washing water; thirdly, displaced pulp is thickened to desired high consistency by twin roll mechanical pressing force.


(1) 集過(guò)濾脫水、置換洗滌和擠壓濃縮于一體,用水量少,洗滌效率高。

(2) 單機(jī)生產(chǎn)能力大,可單線配套大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)項(xiàng)目,有效地降低建設(shè)投資及生產(chǎn)成本。

(3) 中濃進(jìn)漿,高濃出漿,大幅度減少流體輸送量,可節(jié)約能耗和提高流送效率。

(4) 重力脫水,不需高程布置,設(shè)備單位面積產(chǎn)能大,占地面積小,土建費(fèi)用少。

(5) 提取的液體量少,回收的廢液濃度高,廢液提取率高,洗滌損失少,能降低蒸發(fā)成本和減少漂白藥品消耗。

(6) 自動(dòng)化控制程度高,易于實(shí)現(xiàn)人工智能操作,安全性能可靠,生產(chǎn)效率高。

Major features:

(1)Combination of dewatering, displacement and pressing, less water consumption, higher washing efficiency;

(2)High production capacity, available to large-scale project, effectively reduce construction investment and production cost;

(3)Medium consistency feeding, high consistency out put , reduce feeding volume and energy consumption, improve concentrating efficiency;

(4)Dewatering by gravity, no requirement for highlevel building, high capacity for unit area, less area occupation, less civil work cost;

(5)Less extracted liquor with higher black liquor concentration, higher extraction rate, less washing loss, reduce evaporating cost and chemical consumption in bleaching;

(6)High automation, easy to artificial intelligent operation, reliable performance, high efficiency.

2、關(guān)鍵技術(shù)及優(yōu)勢(shì)Key techniques and advantages





(4) 可靠捷便的密封結(jié)構(gòu)。采用液壓升降、鎖緊、氣囊密封等結(jié)構(gòu),在保證密封可靠的前提下,提高設(shè)備維護(hù)效率及降低勞動(dòng)強(qiáng)度。


(1)Special process facilities and machining equipment.

Apply tailored process equipment and heat assembly technique, large numerical machining lathe, to ensure the complete assembly accuracy , machining and positioning accuracy for the roll and the performance.

(2)Uniform pulp distributor. Design the channel section and baffl ing refl ex structure. Reduce fluid resistance, ensure an uniform distribution, completely avoid blockage to improve washing efficiency.

(3)Reasonable channel structure. According to equipment specifi cations, a suitable fl ow channel was designed to prevent fi ltrate back fl ow, increase fi ltrate velocity and drainage amount to prevent rewetting and increase outlet consistency.

(4) Reliable, convenient seal arrangement. Apply hydraulic lifting, locking and air seal design to improve equipment maintenance efficiency and reduce labor strength while the sealing is reliable.

(5)Advanced automation control. Implement sequence control design strictly according to process and equipment operation procedures, achieve one-key safe start-up and shutdown to avoid wrong operation. Meanwhile, depending on several factors related to twin roll wash press, decide essentially controlling factors, automatically judge and control related factors to ensure the equipment running reliability, safety and system stability.

3、產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用及效果Product Application and Results


Depending on market demand, different sizes have been developed in 700, 900, 1500, and 220 diameter suitable for different capacity and pulps. More than 90 sets were delivered to wheat straw, reed, bagasse, HW chemical pulping, and HW mechanical pulping mills in China, as well as chemical wood pulping mills overseas. With inlet consistency of 3%-8%, outlet consistency of 20%-30%, good operating performances were achieved. The equipment is also applied in wood based ECF bleaching system, water consumption, effluent discharge and steam consumption for washing and bleaching per ton pulp are 13m3, 10m3 and 400kg respectively, with power consumption obviously reduced. The series have met the demand for various capacity and various pulp grades, accounting for over 50% of the sales volume of Wenrui’s products.




Wenrui continues to push international development strategy and expand overseas market. Presently over 30 sets of twin roll wash press are in operation in Indonesia and India market, with over 80% share of products exported. 18 sets of SJA2284 (roll dia. 2200mm, roll width 8400mm) were delivered to a 2.8 million t/a hardwood pulping line in OKI Pulp & Paper, Indonesia, with single machine production capacity reaching 4500t/d, and successfully started up at one trial. It’s proved that twin roll wash press can be a good choice for large-capacity pulping project. China homebred pulping equipment has gradually entered high-end market in the globe.





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