
更新時間:2024-09-14  瀏覽量:2269
單價: 10.00元/臺
起訂: 1 臺
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最后更新: 2024-09-14 17:23
瀏覽次數(shù): 2269

DCV2DCV3為碟片式法蘭對夾安裝止回閥,可廣泛應用于過程管道、熱水系統(tǒng)、蒸汽和冷凝水等系統(tǒng)中的各種流體,連接尺寸符合EN558  Part1,Series49







溫度范圍 -200~400℃。


溫度范圍 -15~250℃。


溫度范圍 -50~150


標準彈簧 用干蒸汽、水及其它多種工業(yè)流體系統(tǒng)中。

鎳鉻合金彈簧 用于高溫系統(tǒng)。

特強彈簧 用于鍋爐給水系統(tǒng)。

無彈簧 用于低流動壓損系統(tǒng)。僅用于流向垂直向上的管道中。


Spirax Sarco provides various forms of non-return valve , which can effectively prevent the backflow of fluid pipes . Easy to install and maintain .

Brief introduction
    DCV2 and DCV3 disc flange on the folder for the installation of check valves , can be widely used in process piping , hot water systems, steam and condensate systems in a variety of fluids , connection dimensions comply with EN558 Part1, Series49.
Standard products for the metal seat for steam systems. When used in the oil , air, gas , and water valve seat can be selected for other materials .
Owner: Wafer Check Valve is not suitable for severe pulsating occasions, such as compressors.
   DCV series check valves compact structure , easy to install. Can be installed in vertical or horizontal pipe or inclined pipelines , simply two flanges on the folder to install.
    DCV check valve for steam and a variety of liquids, gases and other industrial systems , and provides various options depending on the application :
Seat options:
Metal seat (Metal): - suitable for steam or other high temperature fluid systems .
Temperature range -200 ℃ ~ 400 ℃.
Rubber seat (Viton): - applies to oil and gas systems , to ensure a good seal .
Temperature range -15 ℃ ~ 250 ℃.
EPDM seat (EPDM): - for water systems.
Temperature range -50 ℃ ~ 150 ℃
Spring options:
Standard spring - with a dry steam, water and many other industrial fluid system .
Nickel-chromium alloy spring - for high temperature systems.
Strong spring - for boiler feedwater system .
No springs - for low flow pressure loss system . Only for vertically upward flow in the pipeline .
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